Monday, June 20, 2011

Another Good Weekend for the books

This weekend was a success.... I got to workout, relax, enjoy the sun, my man and hung out with my dad on Father's Day! I don't know about you.. but I seriously love relaxing weekends with no real "set" plans. There's no greater feeling in the world to know that you don't have to frantically get ready to go somewhere.

Saturday morning, I made it to the gym just as a I promised! Ran myself a good 2 miles followed by the stationary bike for 20 hard minutes and finished off on the elliptical for another 20 minutes. I always like to throw in a good ab workout after my cardio sweat sessions too.. In my opinion, you can never do too many crunches!

BOOM! Talk about motivation!!
Saturday night was nice and relaxing... My hubby-to-be took me out to my favorite sushi place for dinner and then we rented Just Go With It with Adam Sandler.... I highly recommend it! It was a good laugh and a really precious ending :-) I love those kinds of movies!!

Sunday morning I did my favorite: Rode my bike to the gym!! Ran myself a good 5 miles and then finished off with another good ab workout (of course) hehe! And then.......... I did another one of my favorites:

Definitely tanned in my strapless bikini! I can't wait to get my tan heiney in my wedding dress! Coming on two more months! Wow..... so crazy! I can't believe how fast the time flies by!

After a couple good hours of getting my vitamin d, I went over and spent the day with my Dad on Father's Day BBQing and chilling outside in the nice summer weather. Can I just say something? I love my dad.... So much! He's such an amazing man. He does so much to provide a good life for the family and is such an amazing man to my mom. They are seriously my role models when it comes to marriage. I'm going to strive for that everyday when John and I become man and wife. I know that we will be happy and in love forever... and I seriously can't wait for the adventures ahead! Here's a special little picture to share of me and my Dad when I was a baby :-)

So, I'd definitely say that this weekend was a success! I'm looking forward to some more relaxing summer weekends ahead! This is definitely my favorite time of year... Oh and did I mention that I've lost the weight that I thought that I gained back from Shaun and Lisa's wedding?? Definitely helped to boost my motivation and morale in general! Woohoo!! Screw Manic Mondays! Today is a great day!!! Hope y'all enjoy this hot summer weather that we are having! FINALLY!!!

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